From the moment Navy Flake first appeared on tobacconists’ shelves, pipe smokers everywhere have shown their appreciation of this mixture. There are many reasons why Navy Flake has become a true Mac aren classic since then. When Navy Flake was developed in 1965, much work went into the composition of the raw tobaccos. Selections of Burley tobacco were made from their extensive stocks and after countless tests the right Burley content was found. Similarly, tests were then carried out on Virginia tobacco. Different qualities of Virginia tobacco were selected and test smoked. Finally, a handful of these were selected for inclusion in the blend. Once the right basic tobaccos had been found, a final important element was added to the mixture: a small measure of original MacBaren Cavendish was added, and it is this which gives Navy Flake its full body.
The production process starts like any flake tobacco. The selected tobaccos are mixed and then pressed in a large tobacco press. Patience was to prove a virtue, as the pressed tobacco had to be left under pressure for at least 30 days. Having to wait so long before tasting the finished tobacco proved to be a challenge in itself, but a top-quality flake takes time to produce. Without this process the tobacco would not develop properly – which would be apparent in the taste. Therefore, everyone had to remain patient and await the final result.
Once the 30 days had passed, there was a thrill of anticipation as the pressed tobacco block was carefully cut into 1.4 mm thick slices – so-called flakes. The appearance of the tobacco was as expected, but what about the taste? Pipes were filled and lit, and for a few minutes there was complete silence. Everyone was concentrating on the new tobacco. After a short while the smiles began to appear. The blend had passed its first test and the taste was as it should be: slightly aromatic and full-bodied.
What the tobacco masters did not know at the time was that they had just created a MacBaren classic! 3.5oz./99g Tin.
Note: this tin is not plain packaged; it predates the new regulations for pipe tobacco that came into effect in 2020.
About Private Stock Pipe Tobacco
From time to time, Victory Pipes is offered the chance to sell unique pipe tobacco tins. Some of the pipe tobaccos on offer are no longer in production, making them highly sought-after. Inventory is extremely limited and many tins we obtain are singles. If there is a blend you’ve been seeking we recommend you act quickly as it is doubtful we will see the blend in inventory again.
Victory Pipes cannot guarantee the condition of the contents of any of these older tins. Seals on pipe tobacco tins may wear out over time or come undone, causing the contents to dry out. Adding moisture to the tobacco will re-hydrate the contents; this can be achieved using a humidifier with distilled water, or even a dampened paper towel placed over a bowl of the tobacco. There are no refunds for consigned tins.