A mellow, fragrant Latakia blend aged with stave cubes cut from barrels used to mature and flavour Frog Morton's own special whiskeys. This tobacco comes with a small cube of Oak wood from an old whiskey barrel, thereby imparting the blend with a smokey-sweet hint of bourbon. Legend has it the name Frog Morton comes to us from the works of JRR Tolkien:
Frogmorton: A village in the East farthing of the Shire. It stood on the East Road, between the Three-farthing Stone (fourteen miles to the west) and the Brandywine Bridge (twenty-two miles to the east). Immediately to the north of the village, the stream known as the Water broke into two, creating a wide watery region - this feature seems to have given Frog Morton its name, which means "frog marsh".
The tin description is as follows: Frog Morton put barrel stave cubes in this mellow stave-aged Latakia blend – both in casks and cans – to infuse it with a unique whiskey character at once delicate and rich. He considers this skillfully crafted, beautifully balanced mixture to be the stellar achievement of his well-stocked cellar.
Sadly, McClelland discontinued operations in 2017 but we’ve managed to source a couple of tins of this legendary tobacco. Now, 8 years later, it will have the full effect of aging like fine whiskey. 100g sealed tin. Note: this tin is not plain packaged; it predates the new regulations for pipe tobacco that came into effect in 2020. This is the original formulation made by McClelland.
About Private Stock Pipe Tobacco
From time to time, Victory Pipes is offered the chance to sell unique pipe tobacco tins. Some of the pipe tobaccos on offer are no longer in production, making them highly sought-after. Inventory is extremely limited and many tins we obtain are singles. If there is a blend you’ve been seeking we recommend you act quickly as it is doubtful we will see the blend in inventory again.
Victory Pipes cannot guarantee the condition of the contents of any of these older tins. Seals on pipe tobacco tins may wear out over time or come undone, causing the contents to dry out. Adding moisture to the tobacco will re-hydrate the contents; this can be achieved using a humidifier with distilled water, or even a dampened paper towel placed over a bowl of the tobacco. There are no refunds for consigned tins.