What more can be said about this tobacco that hasn't already been shared? Dunhill Nightcap is one of the most recognized pipe tobaccos in the world, and for good reason. Whether you browse online or ask around at your local tobacconist, the response will be the same if you’re searching for a bold English blend. From quick top-ten lists on Google to detailed odes from seasoned enthusiasts at the pipe shop, the name "Nightcap" inevitably comes up. It’s no surprise that many people used to pick up a tin as their first ever pipe tobacco; it was everywhere, both online and in stores. People not only raved about Nightcap’s flavour and aroma but also discussed the brand’s future and whether it was time to stock up on this classic.
Sadly, Dunhill no longer is in the tobacco business, and Scandinavian Tobacco Group makes an imitation that is decent but not in the same league as this tin, the original. In the words of one reviewer who found out Dunhill would no longer be making this blend, “If Nightcap really is going away you need to buy your body weight in pounds.” Dunhill has a remarkable history in cigars, tobacco and pipes. With unbeatable quality in every single one of their products, keeping Dunhill pipe tobaccos on your list of favorites should be a "no brainer." Each blend is made with the best tobaccos and every pairing is not only delicious, but a smoke to remember. Unfortunately Dunhill has stopped producing pipe tobaccos so we dug into our vault and brought these out to share with you. When they're gone they will no longer be available; this is your chance to taste the legend! 50g tin. Note: this tin is not plain packaged; it predates the new regulations for pipe tobacco that came into effect in 2020.
About Private Stock Pipe Tobacco
From time to time, Victory Pipes is offered the chance to sell unique pipe tobacco tins. Some of the pipe tobaccos on offer are no longer in production, making them highly sought-after. Inventory is extremely limited and many tins we obtain are singles. If there is a blend you’ve been seeking we recommend you act quickly as it is doubtful we will see the blend in inventory again.
Victory Pipes cannot guarantee the condition of the contents of any of these older tins. Seals on pipe tobacco tins may wear out over time or come undone, causing the contents to dry out. Adding moisture to the tobacco will re-hydrate the contents; this can be achieved using a humidifier with distilled water, or even a dampened paper towel placed over a bowl of the tobacco. There are no refunds for consigned tins.